The world of electrical motors

Faraday’s experiments set humble keystones for groundbreaking marvels in our modern world. Electrical motors power industries, homes and transportation, affirming their firm importance in our lives. A massive part of our modern life relies on the silent workhorses, the electrical motors, which tirelessly convert electrical energy into mechanical power.

At their core, electrical motors harness electromagnetic principles to generate rotational force, manifesting in an array of designs tailored to specific needs. From the simplicity of brushed DC motors to the sophistication of brushless DC motors and the robustness of AC induction motors, each variant boasts unique attributes suited for diverse applications.

Axial motors

However, the demand for various intertwining characteristics has brought novel approaches to the development of electrical motors. Axial motors represent a fascinating subset within the realm of electrical motors, characterized by their unmatched design and functionality.

Unlike traditional radial motors, which generate torque perpendicular to the axis of the motor shaft, axial motors generate rotational force parallel to it. This enables such motors to be well-suited for applications requiring linear motion or propulsion, expanding their utilization in industries such as air and marine transportation, and industrial machinery. Another distinctive feature of these motors is the precise control, efficiency, and compactness.

As mentioned before, axial motors benefit in terms of efficiency and compactness, making them perfect for our applications. As every ounce and gram of weight matters in aviation, these motors pose the full set of benefits for our eVTOLs.

T-Axial motor

Along with our innovation in the scope of rotors and propulsion, our team challenged and enhanced the efficiency of axial motors. These motors' unique versatility and capabilities motivated us to propel forward in developing a revolutionary version of it. It was the pioneering drive for change that birthed this innovation, making it another cornerstone for our work.

What distinguishes our motor from traditional axial motors is its nonconventional approach towards efficiency and electrical power consumption. According to conventional science, increasing force or the RPM requires more power input. Striking challenges in aviation that include numerous forces that affect flight and efficiency usually require an exponential amount of rotational force. To overcome this issue modern engineering vastly relies on higher energy consumption, though modifications of motors are constantly made.

Our innovation has bravely overcome the impediment of massive energy consumption. Our design of axial motor has a stable power consumption, which does not limit the control and amount of torque and turns made per second. Our cutting-edge innovation has empowered us to reach the desired force by maintaining an unchanging supply of power. Combining our motor with the propulsion systems that we are developing, our company will yield a highly potent and eco-friendly aircraft. Emphasizing the diminished use of power, our innovation could be a breakthrough in a wide spectrum of industries.

The motor has successfully passed the early stages of testing, proving it’s brilliance. Further data-gathering and testing will ready this motor for full application.